Jennifer Socquet

Jennifer Socquet

Episode description

“Travailler en tant que femme, c’est comme une course d’athlétisme avec plein d’obstacles sur notre couloir alors que les hommes ont la place libre”

Cette discussion s’appuie sur la littérature scientifique.


Harcèlement sexuel:

Maternité et carrières médicales:

  • Simpson AN, Cusimano MC, Baxter NN. Les inconvénients de la maternité au cours d’une carrière médicale. CMAJ. 2021;193(45):E1754-E1756.
  • Rangel EL, Castillo-Angeles M, Easter SR, et al. Incidence of Infertility and Pregnancy Complications in US Female Surgeons JAMA Surg. 2021;156(10):905-915.
  • Adesoye T, Mangurian C, Choo EK, et al. Perceived Discrimination Experienced by Physician Mothers and Desired Workplace Changes: A Cross-sectional Survey. JAMA Intern Med. 2017;177(7):1033-1036.
  • Glauser W. Is the culture of medicine contributing to miscarriages among female physicians?. CMAJ. 2019;191(44):E1229-E1230.
  • Stentz NC, Griffith KA, Perkins E, Jones RD, Jagsi R. Fertility and Childbearing Among American Female Physicians. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2016;25(10):1059-1065.

Publications et femmes:

  • Gayet-Ageron A, Ben Messaoud K, Richards M, Schroter S. Female authorship of covid-19 research in manuscripts submitted to 11 biomedical journals: cross sectional study. BMJ. 2021;375:n2288.
  • Gayet-Ageron A, Poncet A, Perneger T. Comparison of the contributions of female and male authors to medical research in 2000 and 2015: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(2):e024436.

Choix de carrières et genre:

Instagram: @clashgeneve Facebook: CLASH Geneve

No transcript available for this episode.